Tests to determine Whether a Person Has Coronary Heart Disease

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A. Tests to determine whether a person has coronary heart disease

There is no definitive measure to determine coronary heart disease. But following several types of tests can provide a picture if someone is suffering from coronary heart disease

1. Electrocardiogram
2. Stress test
3. Nuclear scanning
4. Coronary angigraphy

B. Some plant species that can prevent and deal with coronary heart disease:

1. God corolla
2. Noni
3. Garlic
4. Black ear BaJamur
5. roses
6. Siantan

Coronary Heart

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The disease is caused by the narrowing and blockages in coronary arteries. This is caused by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) in the artery wall bottom (endothelium).

After the fat accumulated, blood flow will be blocked and unable to affect the heart so the heart in pumping blood. Most felt the effect was the loss of oxygen and nutrients to the heart because blood flow to the heart decreases.

A. The things that trigger coronary heart disease:

1. Smoking in greater numbers and for many years
2. Consumption of fatty foods or high cholesterol
3. Hypertension who has suffered
4. Diabetes mellitus is also provoke coronary heart disease
5. Obesity
6. Lack of activity and exercise
7. Drink alcohol
8. Drug abuse (drug)

B. The facts about coronary heart disease

1. Coronary heart disease is the number one killer disease in the United States who attacked both men and women
2. Every year in the U.S., more than half a million people died of coronary heart disease
3. Deaths from coronary heart disease can be prevented because it related to lifestyle. If the public good and ensure a healthy life free of coronary heart disease
4. Treatment for patients with coronary heart disease takes a very long time and continuous.

C. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

1. Balanced lifestyle and avoid the risk of stress is necessary for a person not affected by coronary heart disease.
2. Eating healthy foods and high in fiber. Reduce fatty foods and high cholesterol to prevent obesity.
3. Immediately stop smoking. Smoking causes reduced elasticity of blood vessels thus increasing the hardening of blood vessels arterin to trigger a stroke.
4. Reduce or avoid alcoholic beverages
5. Regular exercise
6. Avoid using drugs

Type Penyehat Heart Food

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"Eat fruit walnuts every day" is a powerful prescription, so revealed Tuvana Bain, MD, in a medical conferences. Some have characterized cell walnuts menurukan influence to endothelin levels, naturally occurring compounds that cause inflammation or an immune reaction in the arteries contributing to heart attacks.

So what healthy foods for our heart? Here are some decent food recommended:
1. Asparagus

2. Brown

3. Green tea

4. Herring Fish

5. Oatmeal

6. Oranges

7. Papaya

8. Dried plum

9. Sweet potato / yam vines

10. Walnuts

From the above ten kinds of food, should be consumed on a regular basis to keep the heart healthy and we can enjoy life with a healthy body.

Healthy Heart Key

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Health is expensive. Imagine how much cost should we spend on doctor visits. Especially heart disease. According to health experts there are some important things to note
for you who have a high risk of heart disease was he among others:

1. Cholesterol levels should be below 200 mg%

2. LDL try always less than 150 mg%

3. Try triglyceride levels less than 200 mg%

4. HDL try always above 50 mg%

5. Fasting glucose levels less than 120 mg%

6. Glucose 2-hour postprandial (after meals) are not

exceed 160 mg%

7. Blood pressure should not exceed 140 mmHg

for systole and not exceeding 90 mm Hg for


8. Do not smoke or environmental tobacco smoke.

9. Can be well controlled stress (stress


10.Spot exercise, gradual and measured. (Should

Aerobic respiration mis.senam types, sports

games, etc.).

After know that health is expensive should we have to get used to live healthy and notice the things discussed above.

Heart Muscle Disease

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Heart disease a lot of that stuff. One of them is cardiomyopathy. Taukah you what it is? Cardiomyopathy is heart muscle disease. In most cases, cardiomyopathy causes the heart muscle becomes weak. Some medical disorders cause various types of cardiomyopathy, but all types of cardiomyopathy have one thing in common that is degrading the efficiency function of the heart muscle and eliminate the heart's ability to meet the needs of the body. When the heart can no longer pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body, there was what is called heart failure.
Types of cardiomyopathy

There are three main types of cardiomyopathy is dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and restrictive cardiomyopathy. The large majority of patients suffering from cardiomyopathy is dilatation of the type. So after briefly describes hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and restrictive, we will concentrate on dilated cardiomyopathy.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a genetic disorder that causes excessive growth of muscle cells within the heart chambers of the heart. This abnormality is thickening of the heart muscle can cause the problem of pumping enough blood to organs and can potentially cause a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.

Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a rare condition in which the heart muscle and is made rigid diinfiltrasi by abnormal cells, proteins and cut tissue. Stiff heart chambers will limit the return of blood to the heart causes blood unstoppable in the organs of the body. The most common causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy are amyloidosis, a disease in which a substance such as proteins stored in body tissue. Other causes include sarcoidosis and

Of the three types were all dangerous disease that can cause death. Therefore, we must keep our heart to stay healthy. with eating-nutritious foods.

Family History About Heart Disease

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Heart disease may suffer if the family is suffering from heart disease. When we went to the doctor about heart disease. Your doctor will consider family factors if one or more of the family members (parents orag, sisters) suffered from heart disease. If your father suffered a heart attack under age 60 years or your mother are suffering under the age of 65, then this will increase your risk of getting heart disease. Of course, if your parents live to old age where heart attacks are common, so it does not have to worry about you.
How do heart disease can be spread in the family? Part of the explanation lies in the genes inherited from parents who make us more vulnerable to a high cholesterol or high blood pressure or diabetes. Some other things, the result of family life that have the same lifestyle - they eat the same food and if the parents smoke are often the children are also smoking.
If the supply of heart disease in families, you are encouraged to frequently went to the doctor to make sure that you do not develop high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or other problems that can be treated to reduce your risk.
After you do it your lifestyle change for the better by leaving the culture of smoking.

Cholesterol and Coronary Artery Disease

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In medicine Coronary Artery Disease / CHD (Coronary Artery Disease) marked by a gathering of fat deposition in the cells lining the wall of a coronary artery and block blood flow.

Cholesterol and Coronary Artery Disease

The risk of coronary artery disease increased in elevated levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels.
If an increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), then the risk of coronary artery disease will decrease.

Food affect total cholesterol food and therefore also affect the risk of coronary artery disease. Changing patterns of eating (and if necessary take the drug from a doctor) can lower cholesterol levels. Lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol can slow or halt the progression of coronary artery disease.

Signs of Early Warning

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Sometimes people do not expect to suffer a heart attack. News of a heart attack came as bolt from the blue. Heart attack is the culmination of a process of disaster lasting damage, which often involves emotional surprises, chaos physiological and mental fatigue. Warning signs early so subjective and so subtle, so that even doctors who are trained to measure things objectively can still ignore it.

But do not worry, if we get news like that we must act quickly so that heart disease is not getting worse. How?
1. We need to consult an expert doctor to determine what we should do
2. We must keep our bodies stay healthy, by eating nutritious foods.
3. Exercising regularly
4. Adequate rest

By doing that you can cope with more severe heart disease.

Heart Function

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Did you know about your heart organ? Heart is a muscular pump that works in the chest without stopping continuously pumping blood throughout the body, morning and night from birth until death. The heart to contract and relax as much as 100,000 times a day, and all this work requires a good blood supply is provided by the coronary arteries.
How does the heart work

Main Function heart is pumping red blood that is rich in oxygen and nutrients through the large vessels throughout the body. When the oxygen has been absorbed by the network, through the veins carrying blue blood and contains very little oxygen to the heart.

The heart has two sides, where each side works as a separate pump. Each side divided into 2 rooms, so overall there are 4 rooms. Two above, Atria, serves as a place to accommodate, two under, ventrical, contracts to pump blood. The right side of the heart receives blood from the body through a vein and pumped to the lungs to get oxygen. The left side of the heart that holds back the blood from the lungs and pumped throughout the body tissue that requires oxygen.

To be able to reach all the muscles and organs different, the blood must be pumped with high pressure, as you must know if you ever cut vessels - the blood will spurt everywhere! To do this then our heart is very strong, and not as our leg muscles, the heart is never tired. Therefore, the heart muscle's blood supply requires a very good, and is provided by the coronary artery and its branches. Heart disease can be avoided if we want to keep it.

Pain, Heart Attack Symptoms

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Symptoms of heart disease is different. in a heart attack may begin with pain that is not clear, a sense of vague discomfort, or tightness in the middle of the chest. Sometimes.

Here are some symptoms of heart disease more specifically, among others:

* Pain. Did you ever feel pain in your chest. If the muscles are not getting enough blood (a condition called ischemic), it insufficient oxygen and the metabolism of excessive cramp or spasm.

* Fatigue or tiredness. If people have a very solid work and less rest then the condition will have exhausted body. and the effect on the heart. If the heart is not pumping effectively, blood flow to the muscles during an activity will decrease, causing the patient to feel weak and tired. These symptoms are often mild. To overcome this, patients often reduce their activity.

* Dizziness. Decrease in blood flow due to rate or abnormal heart rhythms or poor pumping ability, can cause dizziness and fainting.

Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease

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The heart is the organ of the human body. This organ is the most important organs for humans. There's no way people can live without a heart. The heart is a muscular organ, cone-shaped, hollow and with its base above and below the peak. contractions of the heart muscle called beirama heartbeat. If the irregular heartbeat that there is something with the heart. We can also heart disease. Risk factors of Coronary Heart Disease

* When we enter the age of 45 years for men.

This age is prone to a heart attack due to aging and heart rate was not stable anymore.

* Women aged 55 years or premature menopause (as a result of the operation).

Women will begin to follow him in terms of risk of heart disease after menopause. as well as women so vulnerable to heart disease.

* Heredity (family history of heart disease)

Heredity can also cause heart disease susceptibility on the causes cholesterol.

* Diabetes.

Most people with diabetes die not because of increased levels of blood sugar, diabetes if not addressed will lead to complications of heart disease.

* Smoking.

Smoking is a common thing people do. Risk of heart disease is greater for smokers.

* Overweight (obesity).

Fat people are at greater risk for heart disease.

* Bad lifestyle.

Bad lifestyle is one of the root causes of heart disease.

* Stress.

Stress is a very heavy burden we feel. Many studies have shown that, when facing a tense situation, can occur arithmias life-threatening heart